Monday, May 17, 2010

Slow Couple of Weeks

It's been a slow couple of weeks of gaming around here, with not a whole lot going on. Friends are playing Splinter Cell: Conviction, I'm trying to tough out Darksiders (which has gone from bad God of War rip off to decent Zelda type game to OMGWTF is this crap) and spend some time with the new Magic The Gathering Xbox expansion, and we're all kinda looking forward to E3 and GenCon later this year.

What's GenCon? If you're a table top gamer of any sort, be it RPG, Card, or Board Gamer, you should know this already. GenCon is one of the biggest table top gaming convention in the US, taking place in Indianapolis, usually in the beginning of August. I've been to this convention nearly every year for the past 15 years, and is easily a must go to.

If you're strictly a video gamer, this place does have some floor space dedicated to console and computer gaming, and has tournaments and such, but doesn't do it anywhere near the level of say a Penny Arcade Expo or the sorts. Every so often we'll get something interesting there, like I was able to see a live demo of Dragon Age Origins about 2 years ago (when they hadn't even announced that it was going to be on consoles, just strictly PC), but if you're at all interested in branching out to new games, this is the place.

This blog will be reporting from GenCon 2010 this year and participating in some events as well as looking for the next big table top game. Keep tabs on us in August to see what's going on on the table top side of things.

If you're interested in attending GenCon, head over to their site and get yourself registered and see if you can still find some hotel space. We'll see you there in August.