Sunday, July 11, 2010

Midnight Release at Pastimes

Midnight Release

My gaming crew was going to go to the Midnight Release event at the local store here Pastimes so despite knowing we had an early morning the next day (the wife had bought me tickets to the Star Wars in Concert event in Milwaukee for my birthday), we wanted to be part of the crowd and pick up a couple Sun Titans.

I bounced around the idea of what it would take for me to stay for the whole thing, and decided that it would have to be something that I could at least get placed with. So we sat at our tables, and I sat across from one of my own players, and we began opening the packs.

This is not how I wanted to start things out.

Suicide drawing options where big creatures determine winners is not going to get me anywhere. I checked over the uncommons and commons, nothing spectacular, and moved on to the next pack.

Ugh. Ok, maybe I can do a sealed mill? I pulled a Jace's erasure too, hmm, let's see what else we've got. Next pack.

Okay! Now we're at least getting somewhere. Admittedly it's no Baneslayer Angel, but 4/4 flying, maybe I can do something with that. Next pack.
Hrm. High priced removal. It would be okay if I had anything good to go with it, but so far I don't. Let's see what else waits for us.
Well, at least I have something to go get that Battle Effigy with now. What's my last pack?
Check, please.

I don't think I've ever opened up a worse 6 packs. My blue was alright, but was severely lacking the all important counters to do anything with or anything in the way of something to do during turns 1 - 3. Black and green looked the most promising with removal, but no bombs to speak of.

So, seeing as I had my Sun Titan and had an early morning the next day, I conceded my first game and dropped out. I have a second Sealed (and hopefully draft) today, that I'm really hoping I have a bit better luck on. We'll find out in about an hour.