Thursday, December 30, 2010

The 30's - Part 4

Welcome to day four of our end of the year awards show.  Here we make up random categories for things we liked and didn't like and give them awards that they'll probably never really accept.  In any case, to be in contention for any given category, your product/service must have been released in 2010.

Best Game that won't win any Game of the Year Awards

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was a fantastic game that was unfortunately released in a year with some truly extraordinary games.  It probably won't win anybody's coveted GOTY award, but I wanted to give them at least a well deserved nod.  I highly recommend this game.

Biggest Tease of the Year

Bioshock: Infinite was announced on August 12, 2010 with a release date of "sometime in 2012".  Looking at their previous release schedules of August and October, I would say it would be safe to split the difference and assume a September 2012 release.  That's over two years from when it was first shown.  The thing that really gets me about it is that it was not just a small announcement, no.  They had a full fledged several minute long cut scene made, and then just weeks later had several minutes of gameplay video that the internet drooled over.  It doesn't make sense to me why they would announce something so early with so much footage, unless they planned on moving it up to 2011 to catch everybody by surprise.  We shall see.

Best Original RPG on the Iphone

Ash on the Iphone was made with RPG Maker and is every bit of a JRPG that you would expect to play.  As somebody who grew up with these kind of games, it's always fun to go back to see what people are doing with them.  Most of the time they don't hold up, but the excellent writing and storytelling done here is really what makes this game.  Go check it out, and SRRN, I'm looking forward to the next one.