Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mirrodin Besieged Top 5 Cards for Pre-Release Weekend - Mirran side

Pre-Release Weekend - Mirran Side
This weekend is the pre-release weekend for the second set in the Magic: The Gathering Scars of Mirrodin block, entitled Mirrodin Besieged.  The most interesting aspect of this weekend is that you will choose what side you play for, the Mirrans or the Phyrexians.  When you pick your side, you will receive 3 packs of Scars of Mirrodin, and 3 special faction packs containing only the side you've chosen.

Because WOTC isn't Pimping these Packs Enough
Knowing what you're getting into is a big part of this weekend, because you won't get to see what cards you get and then decide.  You need to have an idea of who you're siding with and that's why we're breaking down this set's Top 5 into two parts.  Today we'll be going over the Mirran cards.  As always, the Top 5 is broken into rarity - Common, Unocommon, Rare, Mythic, and finally the "Pick of the Set" card.  These are strictly for sealed and drafting and do not necessarily reflect what we at Video, Gaming at 30 believe are the best cards in the set for any other format.

5.  The Common - Leonin Skyhunter

The Mirrans have a lot of big common creatures, but they either cost a lot, or they help your other creatures with the new Battle Cry ability.  If you're looking for some early avoidance to run over and deal some damage, you'll find nothing better than his card right here.

4.  The Uncommon -  Piston Sledge

So on turn 2 you got your 2/2 flyer out and are ready to attack with it on turn 3.  Want to make it better?  Spend 3 mana, bring out your Piston Sledge, and attach it for free to have a 5/3 flying creature.  The game won't last long with moves like that and when playing in such a heavy artifact set, sacrificing an artifact to equip later isn't that big of a deal.  Watch out for this one, Phyrexians.

3. The Rare - Victory's Herald

4/4 flying and lifelink is pretty good on its own, but when everything that attacks with you also gets flying and lifelink, you're talking about an end of the game situation.  The lifelink may not save you from poison counters, but giving an entire army evasion is going to be a game ender.  There's not much in the way of Mirran rare creatures, but the ones that exist are game enders.

2.  The Mythic - Hero of Bladehold

The card you get for playing for the Mirran side is already driving up the prices of knights in anticipation of what this card means.  The 1/1 attacking soldiers that this creates every turn and then bolsters with Battle Cry to 2/1 will mean lots of extra damage.  This is the one to hope to pull, and if you do, go for an all out weenie attack force.

1. Pick of the Set - Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas

Tezzeret can appear in either side's packs, but he's far more useful for the very artifact heavy, metalcraft dependent Mirrans.  It might be rough to play blue and black with him, but load up on every artifact and artifact creature you can, and you'll be making them into 5/5 monstrosities in no time.

Mirrans, you have your work cut out for you.  There's two strategies here:  Metal Craft from the Scars of Mirrodin, and Battle Cry from this set, and either or both could really work for you.  Look for big, fast creatures to get out and use the same tricks you did in the first set.  The phyrexians are going to be coming at you with poison hard so try to pack in as much removal as you can afford.

Not sold on playing for the Mirran side?  Or are you a Mirran and want to see what you're going to need to watch out for?  Come back tomorrow to see what the Phyrexians have to offer.  We'll see you then.