Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 74th Annual 30's! - Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of our annual award show!  Let's just jump right in today, shall we?

Best Chance at Dethroning WoW

As World of Warcraft enters its 8th year in leading the world's MMO market, the masses of players are beginning to look for something new.  They have been for awhile, but always come back to WoW just because they do things better.  I've given quite a few of them a shot myself, but none of them have held me like Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Bioware is flexing it's muscles here, and the game is just fantastic.  It's good to see a new comer to the market, especially one that looks like it'll be able to compete against Blizzard.  Good luck guys, and may the Force be with you.

Best Xbox Download Game

I was in love with Bastion from the moment that I smashed up some boxes, and the Narrator said "The kid raged for awhile".  Yes, a second play through doesn't change much, but what was there was magical, and I can't recommend it enough.  Give this one a try for sure.

Honorable Mention

This is probably my favorite game right now, but I'm playing it on Steam instead of Xbox Live, and it doesn't feel right to name it as PC Game of the year or anything, but seriously, if you like tower defense games, third person shooters, or fantasy castle defense games, check this one out.

Best Game that we wish was still Vaporware

Did any of us really expect anything out of Duke Nukem Forever?  I know I didn't.  There's no way possible that it could live up to what we all remembered from the 90's as one of the greatest FPS games ever made.  The current incarnation of Duke doesn't translate to today's gaming, and it shows in its "reaching for over the top but never makes it" way.  Now, the license is in Gearbox's hands, so what I'm hoping for is that they finished the product so they could try to make back some money and make a worthy sequel to Duke Nukem.  If I had to give them a piece of advice, I'd highly recommend they take a look at the ...

Best Way to Get into the Gears of War 3 Beta

I had my doubts about Bulletstorm, but the action plus the writing made for one of the more enjoyable titles that I got to play this year.  This is the type of writing that Duke Nukem needed and couldn't really achieve.  It's over the top, it's hilarious, and it's really well done.  The added bonus of getting into the Gears beta was icing on the cake.

Best PS3 Game (that we actually played)

Little Big Planet 2 came out so early in the year that I think it got a little lost along the way to the Game of the Year awards.  This is a reason to own a PS3.  Little Big Planet is whatever game you want it to be thanks to the tremendous effort that's been put into it from the online community.  My wife and I beat it together months ago, but I still find myself popping in to see what's new.  I've played classic arcade games, zombie horror survival, plinko, pinball, DDR, and a bunch of other games all in this one extremely well done platformer.   If you like platforming games even a little bit, you have to check out this game.  The co-op nature of it is done so much better than any other game that I've played, and it is not to be missed.

The 30's Continues it's award show tomorrow, where we'll take a look at some more categories, the Best Xbox 360 game, the Best multi-platform game, and we'll soon get to our pick for Game of the Year.  We'll see you tomorrow!