Monday, July 30, 2012

What I've Been Playing - 7/22- 7/28

Playstaion 3 - Finished Infamous 2 on the good ending, have no intention on going back to try out the evil ending.  Instead I've been playing Warhammer 40k Space Marine, which is ok for a mindless 3rd person romp. 

PC - Occasionally dropping into Dead Space still, and getting in at least a dungeon a night in Dungeon Fighter Online.

Mobile - It was a family reunion weekend on the wife's side, so I got to spend a lot of time in Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013.  Very enjoyable game, and I really appreciate having so many cards that unlock (40 per deck to date) to really customize the decks the way that I want to play them.

Table Top - Nothing new this week, but I've been preparing for the Gencon 2012 updates which should be starting later this week.  We have a LOT to talk about this year with Kickstarter's popularity exploding, and Wil Wheaton's Table Top bringing in new gamers, it's going to be a busy one.