Monday, January 7, 2013

The 30's! - 2012 Edition - Day 3

Welcome to our final day of The 30's!, our annual award show. Today we talk about some of the bigger names in gaming this year, how they disappointed us, and finally Game of the Year.

Biggest Let Down to a Series

 Assassins's Creed 3 received high marks this year from many gaming publications and currently running a 79 on metacritic, which isn't a great score and probably what the game deserves, a C- or a D.  It had a lot of potential, but it's just not as interesting running around on log cabins as it was climbing the Colosseum.  The game has a couple cool twists, but in the end it was a sad representation of my favorite series.  I don't want to see Connor again in an Assassin's Creed game, and if he is, well, I'm sitting out of the next several then.  There's more interesting things to be doing than running after people who run the same speed and fighting with your starting weapons the whole game.  

 Best Reason to Miss Updates

This little munchkin joined the site in April of last year and just hasn't been able to output the work that we've expected of her yet.  She's still in her 5 - 10 year training period, so it's understandable, and she has made significant growth and progress, so we're hoping that we'll still be able to get some insight on My Little Pony and Adventure Time in the near to far future.

All joking aside, becoming a dad has slowed me down a bit, but it's making me appreciate the games I'm playing and the time I get to spend doing it.  It's why I'm so harsh on these games this year.  There's just so much that I want to take in and I'm being treated to just poor experiences from franchises that I used to love.  It's going to be harder to get my gaming dollars now, Gaming Industry (except for you, Kickstarter, I wish I knew how to quit you), so get your acts together.

Game of the Year

I'm just as surprised as anyone that I'm giving Borderlands 2 our Game of the Year award.  I'm surprised because back when it came out I said that I wasn't hopping on the ride.  Well, a few months back a local store had a Buy 2 get 1 free deal running the week I was going to pick up AC3, so I figured I'd also pick up Guild Wars 2 and fill out the last one with Borderlands 2.  I made no mistake here, Borderlands 2 is everything that I wanted from Borderlands.  I haven't played with anybody else online and I just keep coming back to it.  The action is great, the driving is still a little annoying, but the most important part is the writing.  The writing is fantastic and I can't wait to see what else is in store for me during the game.  I've warned others not to pick up the first one if you're looking for a single player experience.  I completely take that back in regards to Borderlands 2.  You need to play this game.