Thursday, March 25, 2010

15 hours into Final Fantasy 13

I've been putting a couple hours into Final Fantasy 13 every night, and managed to make it to the second disc. These heroes really need to find their happy place. Every cut scene is "it's all my fault" and "they really hate us" and the crying, oh jeeze the crying. I'm all for setting the characters in a darker light to let them reach out and grow into what they will become, but I've been watching them be emo for 15 hours now and it's about time for them to start acting more heroic.

The upgrade system doesn't seem to work right. I'm still on my basic weapons but I've upgraded them to level 4 which is better than the weapons that I'm picking up. I'm seriously hoping that I'm not wasting components upgrading what will be worthless items.

Also, 15 hours in is too long to be in tutorial mode. I just last night got back to a three party system, and I seriously question how long that will last at this point. I don't need to continue to be paired up with groups of two so I can see how they interact with each other. Let me learn on my own at this point.

Finally, the crystal sphere grid method is much more linear than I thought it to be. Every time I'm just about to finish off getting everything available, it expands out another level, but so far I've had no trouble in keeping up with it.

Those complains aside, I am really enjoying the story and combat system, the two hallmarks to the franchise. If I do something wrong and it wipes my party, I can go back and try again. I'm interested in (most) of the characters and want to see what happens to them and when they awaken their powers more. I also really like the recap that the game gives me when I load up a save, it's pointed out a few things that I didn't really catch on which has added to the story and made the next scene make more sense.

Onward to the next great boss battle!