Sunday, August 1, 2010

Don't Forget This! - Packing for GenCon

Are you packing for GenCon yet? You probably should be, it's Monday as I write this, and most people will show up on Tuesday or Wednesday for the full con experience (or full "working the con" experience, sorry game companies!). So as you're packing your clothes and soaps (please be packing your soaps..) it might occur to you that you're forgetting something. Well look no further, here's some things you might not want to forget:

- Paper Towels: If there's anything that I consistently find myself wishing I had, it's paper towels. At some point in the hotel room, somebody is going to knock over a drink, or you're going to order pizza and wish you had something to wipe the grease off with besides the hotel towels. Bring along a roll to not have to worry about such things.

- Umbrella: As of right now, is reporting that there will be thunderstorms on Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday. I don't recall a GenCon where we haven't had at least one day of rain, and unless you don't plan on going outside at all (which isn't a half bad idea, but hard to pull off), you're going to wish you had an umbrella. Bring it with instead of looking for a place to pick one up in.

- Snacks and Drinks: Eating at the local restaurants is very tasty, but you should be spending your money on games, not overpriced downtown food. Bring some juice/pop and snacks (cereal bars, jerky, bread, peanut butter) to keep in the hotel room to avoid spending too much and eating too unhealthy. Con food will only go so far.

- Backpack: This one caught one of my friends who's experiencing GenCon for the first time by surprise. While roaming around, you'll see things you want to buy, and people will hand you fliers, free stuff is everywhere, and you're going to need somewhere to store it all. I do, however, recommend instead of a backpack to have a messenger bag. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been whacked in the face by an overstuffed backpack by a careless con goer.

- The Normal Stuff: 4 days worth of clothes, plus a little extra because bad things happen, your badge with a holder and a lanyard to wear it with, cell phone, netbook, camera, dice, pen, notebook, asprin, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush/comb, soap, shampoo, deodorant, wallet, keys, money, credit cards, ID, and anything else that you wouldn't normally leave the house without. Everybody forgets something at some point, try to stave it off another year by checking things off as you pack them.

Above all, try to keep it light, and only bring what you need. You're going to GenCon, you're going to be bringing stuff back with you, and you want to be able to fit it all. For those who have bigger eyes than car trunks or overhead bins, there's an on-site packing company that will ship all your purchases home for you, so keep that in mind when you've got your eye on something you wouldn't normally be able to get home.

Just a few more days everyone, we'll see you there with nothing forgotten, and lots of space to bring back all of your loot!