Monday, August 2, 2010

Preparing your days at GenCon

At this point, everyone should either have everything packed up or have a really good idea about what they're bringing, have their travel plans all set, their hotel arrangements all confirmed, and generally be ready to pick up and go. Once you get to GenCon, what's next?

I'd like to think there's two types of people on this one. The first type has every single hour of every day planned out, knows how long they're spending where, what they're having for lunch when, and who they're going to be spending their time with how. The second type are those who are going to see what they can see, have no concrete plans, and will take things as they come.

I've been guilty of being on both sides of this, but this year I'm more about the second type. I'm all about getting out on the show floor this year and talking with the game companies about their upcoming games, taking pictures, and getting all the information out to my followers, but other than that, I have pretty loose plans. What I think I'm going to try to do is attend a bunch of the things that I wrote about in my previous article, since I honestly haven't been to many of them before, and think it sounds like a good time. Otherwise, I've got a group run for True Dungeon on Saturday, and plan on playing Magic whenever I'm bored and have some down time.

So whether you've got a spreadsheet with all your plans on them (yes, I've done this), or flying by the seat of your pants, everybody go out and have a great GenCon. If you spot me at a table, or if I swing by your booth, be sure to say hi, I'd love to meet some of the people who have been following along with my posts this past week.

Safe travels to all, the next post here will be from Indianapolis!