Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dragon Age Premium Content - Witch Hunt

I liked Dragon Age.  It was a fun romp around the countryside where I felt that decisions I made along the way made a difference in how some story elements turned out.  At the end of it, I had Morrigan perform her ritual to save my life, and swore I would track her down to make her answer what she's done.  Bioware put out their latest expansion, "Witch Hunt" this past week to allow you to have a "final confrontation with Morrigan!".  Finally!  This is what I've been waiting for, this is the DLC that they're going to get me to download because this is something I really wanted to do. 

I finished it up just a few minutes ago, and I'm here to tell you not to waste your time or money on this one.  Bioware pulled a major bait and switch on us here, not revealing anything and just completely dancing around why Morrigan left and what her plans were for the child.  She actually says that she doesn't dare say more about what she's preparing the child for.  Come on!  Bioware, you can't have a description of the game be "...whether you seek answers.. you may find more than you bargained for" without actually giving us some answers!

Ending aside, this was a very short, very familiar adventure that was nowhere near worth what I paid for it.  The characters you meet in the game and join your party were both entertaining, and I always love having the Dog around, but it's not enough to justify the price tag.  You don't get much in the way of any new equipment, just lots of potions to help you make it to the next area, which were largely unnecessary.

I'm sorry, I can't get over the absolute betrayal I'm feeling on this one.  After I've spoken so highly of Bioware, especially their storytelling, they present me with this half-assed tease of what might come some day and charge me for the privilege.  Take my advice on this one and avoid, avoid, avoid.