Monday, October 31, 2011

The Ones to Watch - November 2011 Edition

Okay, now that we've gotten the self referential post out of the way, we really need to take a look at November in gaming.  November is as close to Christmas as many game companies want to get to getting their game out, preferably before Black Friday.  The bulk of their sales happen right now, like most consumer products.  So what's out there trying to earn your dollars?  Well, let's take a look.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - 11/1/11 - PS3

Uncharted is one of the reasons you need to own a Playstation 3.  It's combination of Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones has produced two phenomenal games, and from preliminary reviews, we can expect the same of this one.  It's going to be hard to live up to Uncharted 2, but I'm just happy to see Drake again.

Modern Warfare 3 - 11/8/11 - Multi Platform
Sick of EA?  Sick of Origin?  Sick of not being able to play single player because the online server is down?  This is the game that EA is trying to out do.  Modern Warfare 3 looks AMAZING, and that's coming from my wife who can't stand to watch first person shooters.  Methinks EA isn't worried about server stability for long, because Activision is going to take care of a good chunk of their population for them.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Multi Platform - 11/11/11

I've been playing the Elder Scrolls games since Daggerfall.  Every single time they trick me into purchasing it with promises of an epic world to explore and tons of different things you can do and a diverse character creation system that allows you to level up the skills that you want to to become the hero that you want to become.  And every single time, I level up in running, and am completely unable to swing my two handed sword to hit the "immune to everything but magic" Will-O'-Wisp guarding the vampire's cave containing the first piece of the key that you need to open up the portal of you're never going to make it this far.  Bethesda, please prove me wrong.

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary - Xbox 360 - 11/15/11

I love the idea of HD remakes of classic games.  Some players never got to pick up Sly Cooper or Shadow of the Colossus.  If you're one of the people who never got to pick up the original Halo on the original Xbox, then by all means, please pick this up.  As for me, this is a repeat and I've got a stack of games sitting on my shelf that need to be finished before I even consider something like this.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations - 11/15/11

Assassin's Creed is one of those series that I don't think I'll ever get sick of playing.  Fans of the series will understand the multi-tiered story that is occurring in the series, and they want to know every single detail that they can dig out.  Ezio's story continues in this series, helping Desmond uncover more of secrets from Subject 16.  What new spins on history shall we see here?  We'll know if a few weeks.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Wii - 11/20/11

Nintendo celebrates Zelda's 25th Anniversary by releasing a Zelda game developed for the Wii from the ground up.  Nintendo fans eat this kind of stuff up, and I know I'll certainly be purchasing this one.  After that, my Wii can go back to collecting dust.

That's about it, folks.  December looks pretty bleak with one exception, so we'll take a look at it when the time comes.  Happy gaming everyone!