Monday, October 31, 2011

The Self Referential "Too Long Since Last Post" Post

Holy cripes, it's been a month since the last update?  Sorry about the downtime, loyal readers.  Being 31 isn't all that it's cracked up to be sometimes.  My time is being taken up by what people older than myself refer to as "important things".  Instead of collecting Riddler trophies or building a new MTG deck like I should be, I find myself doing things like cutting down dead tree branches and fixing leaking sinks.

Which sucks,by the way
Indeed, time is a precious commodity that I don't think I ever really understood until one night that happened just a few weeks ago.  I found myself sitting on the couch playing Gears of War 3 trying to finish it up before tomorrow night's Arcade Mode romp with the friends, and noticed it was 12:00 and that I had to get up for work in about 7 hours, so I should really stop here and get some sleep.  This isn't something that I used to have to worry about.

I've come to realize that getting older comes with responsibilities, so I thought carefully about how I can manage my time more effectively.  I'm juggling a lot of projects, I have a MTG habit to support, I play and review video games for all the major consoles, I have a small department at work to run, not to mention a house with the wife and dog expansion sets.

Which are a lot of fun, but require tons of updates and patches
After much deliberation, and looking at how the site is doing, I've decided to add a new staff member to the VG30 family.  It's going to take some time to see any articles from them, as there's going to be a training and growth period, but I really think it's the right move.  With this new addition, we'll be able to offer more analysis for games, and how they can appeal to a wider audience.

We just don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet
... maybe I'm going about this whole "freeing up time" thing the wrong way.