Friday, September 28, 2012

What I've been Playing 9/23 - 9/29

Skyrim - PC

Playing Skyrim almost a year after it's release is the very heart and soul of VG30.  I purchased it during the Winter Steam Sale, tried it out a little bit, and left it to be.  I've recently gotten into the game and am enjoying it very much.  There's still a lot of "Hey, I'm going to go check out that cave that happens to be on the way to my next destin.. OHGODTHERE'SAGIANTMONSTERINTHEAGHGHGPBLBEL ... dead but it's been mitigated by hitting me enough times to teach me to stay on the main story path.  You'd think after playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas that I would have learned this lesson by now.  Nope.

Double Dragon Neon - PS3

I tried out Double Dragon Neon on the PS3 expecting an HD remake.  It was pretty close right up until I walked into a pagoda, had it rocket into outer space, and I began fighting a skeleton samurai with just TERRIBLE puns like "Time to make a MARROW escape!".  It's not a bad game, and I'll probably be sinking some time into it as I grow tired of...

Scott Pilgrim vs The World - PS3 

Another side scrolling beat em up, this one follows the movie in a 16-bit retro style game that's fun to play, but very shallow so far. 

Zombicide - Table Top

We played our first game of Zombicide last weekend, and lost pretty badly.  An abomination popped out with about 10 other zombies, which was really hard to recover from in Scenario #1.  Permadeath didn't help matters much, but from what I'm being told the scenario we played is extremely challenging.  We need to try it again with scenario #10 from what I'm hearing on the Board Game Geek forums.

Castle Panic - Table Top

I enjoyed playing Castle Panic, but there always felt like there was a correct move to make above all others.  Maybe it's just the way the pieces fell in our game, but I'd definitely like to give it another play.

Other Thoughts

Roxio has a HD recorder that's just been released that we would love to have to be able to start putting up video reviews and our own screenshots.  Hopefully it's something the blog can swing in the future, right now it's not in the cards.

Borderlands 2 looks like a lot of fun, but I've decided to take a pass on it for the time being.  The reason for this is in the original Borderlands, I only played with friends, and with my current baby schedule this isn't something that's really possible.

Return to Ravnica will be pre-releasing this weekend, and it's the second set in a row that I won't be buying a box of because of not having the time / money to play in standard any more.  I have been getting more into EDH/Commander, but am still playing in the pre-releases this weekend.