Sunday, September 9, 2012

What We've Been Playing - 9/1 - 9/9

With Gencon over, we've been trying hard to get at least initial playthroughs of our newest toys to get a feel for them before trying to write reviews.  The past two weeks we've had games of Seasons, Lords of Waterdeep, Cosmic Encounter, Mage Wars, Smash Up, Seven Sisters, Elder Sign, and I can't think of what else and there's still a half dozen games we have yet to even open.  Otherwise..

FTL - Faster than Light

FTL - Faster than Light is a space Rouge-alike that VG30 supported during its Kickstarter campaign.  This is a fantastic game that at least bears checking out a "Let's Play" video on Youtube, but it comes out next week on Steam and GOG.  Highly recommended.

Dungeon Fighter Online

I've recently begun playing Dungeon Fighter Online again after taking a small break, and still enjoy the game immensely.  There's a version of this on Xbox Live, but I really couldn't get into it with such limited options.  Give this one a spin, it's free to play and is a lot like a MMO meets the old 90's arcade side scrolling beat 'em ups.

Dead Space

Slowly making progress in Dead Space, starting to find the controls scarier than the game, but still moving forward slowly.  With the recent announcement for Dead Space 3... well, we have a lot of catching up to do.


Just Cause 2

I tried getting into Just Cause 2, but it's too over the top in one way, and not fantastic enough in another.  I know plenty of people that would enjoy this one, but it's just not for me.

Space Marine

Finished up Space Marine, hope to get a review up soon.  Short review:  1 hour game squeezed into a 10 hour box.